Jeanne La Mar: Lady Boxer at the Moose to Fight October 21, 1922




Lady Boxer at the Moose  / Source:  Monessen Daily Independent
Thursday, October 19, 1922  / Volume 21. No.109.

In the source dated October 19, 1922, it was reported that Jeanne La Mar, a female world champion boxer would be the special attraction at the MooseTemple boxing show on ‘Saturday evening, October 21. ms.  Lamar who was now touring the country meeting all comers, will be well remembered by the many war veterans here. By not only serving as a red cross nurse during the war overseas, but also on the numerous occasions she gave boxing exhibitions with the famous Georges Carpentier for the benefit of the wounded  soldiers, Miss Lamar endeared herself for all.  She never chooses her opponents and when asked she readily  consented to meet anyone, male or female boxer that management may choose.

Information about the Matchmaker at the time:  “While  matchmaker Stanley congratulates himself on his luck in obtaining  such a star attraction he wishes it to be known that by no means will the rest of the card suffer on that account.  The boxers for the other five bouts have been carefully chosen form the best boys in the valley and the completed card looks like one of the best in the history of the sport  here.  The Show  will start promptly at 8:30 p.m.   A slight nominal  admission fee  will be charged on account of the heavy expense incurred  in security Miss Lamar.”

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