Day: January 11, 2002

Wisconsin Friends Box to Learn Tough Lesson – by Bill Harris

When friends fight someone always comes in second. And second in a boxing match means a loss. This was the case at the USA – Wisconsin Amateur Boxing Championship preliminaries Friday, Jan. 11, 2002, at the United Community Center, 1028 S. Ninth Street, Milwaukee, when Alicia Walcher, 14, 109, 0-0, of Peshtigo Boxing Club, faced

One on One Interview with Yolanda Gonzalez – by Sue TL Fox

This week I conducted a one on one Interview with Yolanda Gonzalez.  Yolanda is a lawyer by day and boxer by night.  Yolanda’s boxing background included participating as an amateur, and was the New Jersey 1999 Golden Gloves Champion, and the Diamond Gloves Champion of 2000. In addition, she received the honor of “The Fighter of the Night” in her