Double Shot from Laila Ali and Yahya McClain! – 2004

By Laila Ali &  Johnny “Yahya” McClain –June 21, 2004


(JUNE 21) WBAN has received a response from not only Johnny “Yahya” McClain, promoter and husband of Laila “She Bee Stingin” Ali, but Ali also responds to the latest press release from RPM Boxing, in regards to Ali’s upcoming fight in July.


Did I not make a public statement saying that I would fight the winner of Ward vs. Wolfe? Instead of getting a phone call to make that fight happen, Ann’s people put out another press release (their favorite thing to do) which basically said that I was not calling the shots and they may want to fight other girls. I knew what that was about when I saw it. They still don’t get it. What happen to want to “fight me for a hamburger”?

It is not worth the risk anymore—is it? RPM is trying to play hardball and they don’t even realize that they are the only ones on the field. I don’t have to fight Ann in order to be the best at 168. I am an undefeated champ. I want to fight Ann because the fans want to see it—-the same reason I fought Martin.

Now if I was dropped and then stopped by Valerie Mahfood, who I easily stopped twice, I would want to prove something by beating Ann. If I fought a much smaller girl like Sunshine Fettkether and went the distance in a competitive fight instead of easily whuppin’ and stopping her like I did Martin, I may want to prove that I was the best.

But you see, it is the other way around. So who do you think you are fooling’? Ann has a big heart and is heavy handed. That ain’t enough to beat me and it has been proven. I have no reason to avoid Wolfe.

Two years ago we decided to save her for later because we knew the fans would want to see us fight, if she kept winning. That fight would be smart to put off for promotional reasons. The time has come for us to face each other. But RPM continues to feed Ann and the public lies. We may never fight. All the fans will have to do is to evaluate our records and fight experiences to compare.

I am going for a title at 175, just like I said I would. O’Neil has a belt and is ready to put it on the line. We were scheduled to fight earlier this year but it fell out.

The bottom line is that we are not playing any games because we don’t have time to. If you want to fight me, give us a call when you get some sense. Laila Ali


Well it seems that the two Brians’ are not as smart as they thought they were. Look, this is the fight game, the game I was raised in since I was 9 years old. I think I know this game a little better than these two fellows that just happened to luck up on the business of boxing. I sleep, eat and drink boxing.

There is no way I would be out THUNK! That’s right out THUNK, by these two. Brian Pardo and Brian Young. I had a legitimate contract with Ann Wolfe and all they had to do was act right. But instead they asked for a release and said they would sign the third bout agreement that was sent to them it they got the release. I knew when they asked for it, that they had a hidden agenda. But I was not worried about that.

Because Laila Ali is the draw. Yes, Ann is a champion. Yes, she knocked out a very overrated Vonda Ward. Laila would have done the same. But much like Ann’s camp, she too turned down the fight.

Ann has had three chances to fight Laila and for good money. Much more than the filthy rich Brian Pardo or Brian Young will ever pay her. So it is funny that they would think that they are in charge. Trust me I am not saying that I am in charge but it is what it is. Ann can never fill Laila’s shoes. Laila is a better fighter, better looking and much more intelligent. Plus she is an Ali. So even with all of the moves they made in a God awful attempt to put themselves in the driver’s seat. They are still waiting for me to give them a shot.

Now when we said that we wanted Laila to move up to light heavy and fight Ann for her title, I believe there was a press release sent out from RPM Boxing stating that they were not sure if they wanted to give Laila a shot. So I saw right then and there that their games had not changed at all. So it is sad, but Ann will never get a shot at Laila unless she leaves the uneducated people that she has representing her. I myself truly hate what they are doing to Ann. As we all see, Laila Ali will still move on with or with out Ann Wolfe. BTW Laila is nominated for an ESPY, for best boxer. The only female in history to do so. So Ann God Bless and good luck in the future.  Ann Wolfe’s Press Release