Female Bout described in the Police Gazette – 1924

Here is an extract from an article about the history of women’s boxing in the Police Gazette (1924). It describes a fight between a woman of 25 and a girl of 17:

One snapshot showed the woman shooting a kick at the girl’s head; the girl was warding it off with her left arm and sending in her right fist to the woman’s stomach. This fight ended in a victory for the woman. Another such fight was won by Mlle. Fari, who, soon after an hour of bloody and bruising battle, broke the other girl’s jaw by a savage kick… About 1902 Mlle. Augagnier beat Miss Pinkney of England in a savage fight. It was boxing and savate against straight boxing. Pinkney was better with her fists and looked like a winner after about one and a half hours of bloody fighting, but Mlle. A. cleverly managed to kick Pinkney in the face. This blow made a terrible scar and stunned the English girl, then the French girl shot a smashing kick to Pinkney’s stomach and knocked her out. The French girl was carried by her admirers in triumph from the ring.