1913 – The Bennett Sisters Practice the Manly art
Photo: Bain News Service
In the Fort Wayne News, dated April 9, 1913, Page 7, there is an article about the Bennett Sisters (three of them). They reported that the “Three Bennett Sisters” were going to be featured at the Empress Theater ‘this week’. The Bennett Sisters were described as being skilled athletic females who were very entertaining.
Quote from article: “These pretty and perfectly formed girls give remarkable exhibitions in the art of boxing, fencing, and wrestling. There is the charm of youth, a girlish grace and a refreshing daintiness in their performance, despite its character, which suggest the work of well-trained athletes. ”
“Their boxing bouts are thrilling and show that these girls are well versed in the manly art.”
“The Bennett Sisteres are splendid specimens of womanhood and prove the advatages gained by physical culture exploits.”