January 4, 1977: Ex-Roller Derby star is back in the ring and punching her way to boxing fame


Photos on File with WBAN

A YOUNG blond woman who gave up a nine-year career as a Roller Derby meanie to become a bricklayer, has finally decided to go straight…into prizefighting.

Diane Syverson, also know as ‘Blondie’ and ‘Bombshell’, is of the few  female boxers in the world, and after five professional fights, three of them nationally televised, she has carved a solid name for herself in the ring.

From her home in Los Angeles, 27-year-old Diane told The Star how it all began:  “I worked the Roller Derby for nine years and enjoyed it, but they were about to go bankrupt, so I decided to look for something else to do.

“I went to brick masonry school and got a diploma, but then I couldn’t get a job.

“The one of my girlfriends read someplace where this trainer was looking for fighters, and I went to see him.

“There was only one girl there and she didn’t look like much of a fighter, so then I tried out.

“One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew I was signed with a manager.

Diane’s fights have been a big success, according to Eileen Eaton who runs the Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles.

Ms. Eaton said:  The fans love the women’s boxing matches.  The first night we promoted them the crowd was up 40 per cent.

“At first we thought it was just the curious, but then the next time we put two girls on the card.  The attendance went up again.

She say the biggest problem is finding  fighters.

“Diane has been very successful but she is the only female boxer west of the Mississippi or east of Hawaii.  Her opponents have come from New York, Chicago, Kansas City and Honolulu.

“But when we can match two girls, they really go at it.  They don’t hit as hard as men, but the girls are throwing punches from the first round until the final bell.”

Diane admits she loves her new career, but finds the violence a turn-off.

“So far, I haven’t been hurt in the ring,” she says.  “and I haven’t really hurt anyone else. And if the occasion came up where I had to really hurt a girl, it might be hard.

But when the fight is over, Diane is usually exhausted and has several bruises.

Diane says her plans for the future include getting married.