(JUNE 27) Now you REALLY didn’t think that WBAN would let these two go at it, without Boxing fans and the boxing community giving THEIR own two cents?!! Check out the Top Hot Comments sent into WBAN in regards to the Laila Ali vs. Ann Wolfe fight and about the “Smack” talk between these two and their teams!
[Note: These comments from boxing fans were taken off directly from archived documentation of the on-going smack talk of the Laila Ali vs. Ann Wolfe fight that never happened as we all know of by now.].
Laila, you just need to go ahead and make it happen. I know you ain’t scared, and you know you are not scared, but by you dodging this fight against Ann, people are thinking that you are all talk, and no go. You are a true Headbussa so you just need to go ahead and knock her out and get her out of the way. I know Ann got a powerful right hand, but htat’s all she’s got. You are way quicker, then her and you can get in bout 20 hits before she can get you with her right hand. All I got to say is let’s make it happen. Ashley R.
Plain and simple Ali is ducking Ann Wolfe. Before Ann moved to her own gym here in Austin she use to train at the gym in my neighborhood (Montopolis Rec) and her trainer “Pops” is good friends with my father. I would see Ann just about everyday and we had many conversations about Ali. She and Pops have told me about the 2 or 3 times Ali has pulled out of the fights with Ann in great detail. The lastest one being when she decided to take the fight in Africa, but never did. And from knowing Ann personally I can tell you it is not even about money at this point. She just wants to prove to the world that she is the best Women’s boxer there is. Trust me Ali don’t want none!! I’ve seen this girl HIT up close and trust me she HITS HARD. Some of the men she spars with have hard times taking her punches. A true testament to her power was shown when paramedics took Vonda Ward out on her back. I want to see this fight happen so bad because Wolfe works so hard for herself and her two daughters. Hopefully, Ali will get off her bicycle and finally fight Ann Wolfe – But I don’t know she might trade the bicycle in for Kawasaki Ninja 1000 so she can really get the Hell out of dodge!! Chris H.
In regards to previous comments regarding Laila Ali and people comparing her to her father, I have this to say. Yes we should not compare the two as they are both very different and yes Laila herself has requested that the comparisons not be made. However, there is no doubt that she has garnered many the opportunity and attention from being the daughter of Muhammad Ali. To say she isn’t reaping the benefits is ludicrous and anyone who doubts that can merely look up the NY TIMES story about “the best father in the world” focusing on Laila and her father. Yes Laila has skill and she has beaten everyone put in front of her but that is not saying much. People give her way too much credit for beating Christy martin, someone laila outweighed by at least 20 pounds, was taller than by an extreme measure and who was far younger than. It’d be a total farce had Laila lost because all the odds were stacked in her favour. Furthermore Laila should really put a stop to all the press releases deeming her the “First Lady of Boxing” as we all know that is a crock. Laila herself should know that the first lady of boxing is not and never will be herself. Moving on to the feud between Laila and Ann Wolfe, I have to say that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Ann. She has fought the best and will continue to fight the best. Laila has been dodging competition like stones thrown at her head. Sure she beat Mahfood, whom knocked out wolfe long ago. But one must remember that Laila fought Mahfood in her 12th or 13th pro fight whereas Ann took on the challenge in her 7th pro fight. Even further, Laila never was close to knocking Valerie off her feet. Sure she scored tko’s not once was Val in danger of landing on her back, a feat accomplished by Ann Wolfe. And Ann has a of course avenged that only pro loss on the undercard of the biggest mismatch in women’s boxing, Ali vs. Martin. Laila needs to learn to keep her mouth closed ’cause karma will come in affect and she’ll be bit in the ass harder than ever. Tim
First of all I wish people would quit comparing this girl to her father. She has said time and time again that SHE IS NOT HER FATHER. SHE IS HER OWN PERSON. Respect her—quit comparing her. Secondly, folks always doggin’ her out but maybe I’m the only that sees that the girl means business. The last fight she said exactly what round the fight was going to end and it DID. She has never bled in any fight that she has been and only one person went the distance with her. She has proven time and time again that when somebody put a fighter before her that is suppose to give her trouble, they end up hurt. She is too strong and too smart for most if not all of these fighters. CNP
As Michael Buffer would say, “LETS GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!” And as I would say, “PUT UP OR SHUT UP!” Lyl Red
Laila All-Lies has fought a 48 year old grandmother, a one time fighter from my city of Milwaukee who fought out of hunger for food, and not boxing. Laila’s team as well as her seem to have forgotten that Karen Bill fight, (ahem) someone her own size?! Laila must have forgotten that Ann initially offered her services for a hamburger.
Laila must have forgotten all of the men who STILL DON’T get pay per view, yet fight their hearts out, Like Gatti Ward, and the recent new found brawling Tactics displayed by P4P best Floyd Mayweather Jr, vs. Chop-Chop Corley.
Laila must have forgotten that Ann went as far as honoring her contractual obligations to her husband’s team, and their failed attempt to see if anyone could beat Ann, thus giving reason to omit the legal obligations altogether provided Ann lossed either of the 2 fights she gave her word to participate in. Ann won both fights, yet Laila All-lies moved to fight in Africa, only to lie to that fighter as well.
Laila has forgotten that WBAN posted an article that depicted harsh words from her to Vonda Ward after a Ward victory, only for that fight to fall through as well.
Thanks Ann for taking the fight vs Ward. Thanks Ann for offering to fight Laila for a hamburger, initially. Thanks Ann for acting as IF YOU WERE THE DAUGHTER OF THE GREATEST. A WOMAN OF HER WORD, CONTRARY TO THAT OF LAILA-ALL-LIES TRAMELL AKA TRUECHIN
I think that Ali is more like a talking boxer than a original boxer, because a real boxer fights and talk less. Now Ann Wolfe is doing the right thing trying to make it all happen. Ali, if you are really a boxer then BOX and stop running away. I guess that you are playing the roadrunner in this case. Ann Wolfe wants a fight with the best so if you are “THE BEST” then prove it when you fight Ann. Pedro J.
I’m an amateur boxer and I LOVE TO FIGHT!!! One thing I don’t understand is…if these women are FIGHTERS… PROFESSIONAL FIGHTERS…Then why on earth are they putting off a great FIGHT??? When it comes to what you love, money should NOT be such a HUGE issue. So do they LOVE THE SPORT? Or are they in it for the money and the publicity? I’m a little confused here. I have a lot of respect for women boxers in general because of how far they’ve brought our sport. But I wish they would just FIGHT…No more mismatches or set up fights…Let the good fighters fight and then the world will see….WE DESERVE TO BE ON TELEVISION…WE DESERVE TO HAVE BOOKS WRITTEN ABOUT US…WE DESERVE ALL THE RIGHTS THAT THE MEN BOXERS HAVE!!! LETS PROVE IT!!! Sarah “The Knock Out”
Although I didn’t get to see or hear any thing except what I read it’s good to know both athletes will continue the career’s either way wish them both well in the futures and to those who think either one is a walk over that’s immature until you face the challenge-BOXEO BORICUA-seven cities boxinggym-virginiabeach,v.a – David C.
I am a big fan of Laila Ali. I think she just needs to go ahead and fight Ann Wolfe and get it over with. I know she can beat her and that she is not scared to fight her she just need to show the rest of the world that she’s not scared. Ashley R.
Now I’m only an amateur boxer, but at least I know that if you want to be the best, you have to fight the best. Ali, I don’t know what’s crawlin up your pants, but you need to get your story straight. Either your going to fight her and make it happen, or your not and the cheap talk stops. Your father talked a whole lot, but at least he backed it up. You seem to have more talent talking, if you want to talk, become a talk show host, other wise, take the darn fight. What have you got to lose, it’s not like you’ve made yourself a big name the way you duck. Until there’s a real reason this fight can’t happen, I’m done listening to this. There are other BETTER fights that can be matched up. No one is going to pay money to see people who talk outside the ring instead of making a statement inside the ring. You think your the best and no one can touch you, well, everyone is waiting, including ANN WOLFE!!! Melissa
Make up your mind Laila…I will lay this out. After the Wolfe Ward fight Laila McClain claimed she would fight the winner that she was the prize now in the latest comment she will fight within a very narrow weight range. She is as consistent as John Kerry. She has shown great ability to dodge competition.
I have seen Ann Wolfe at numerous amateur boxing events shy generous sweet and she has corrected me and shown integrity and moral courage. I refrained from photographing her at this years Golden Gloves because I felt she did not want it she wanted the focus on her team. I would love to see Laila McClain be that. Laila take a hint from Bill Cosby and use proper English when you comment on things. You are an insult to your father’s name. Esteban S.
Here is the solution to both fighter’s problem since the issue always seems to be money with both fighters saying they’re the best then sign the fight with a winner clause stating that the winner get the majority which means whatever the majority is it doesn’t matter because if each fighter is as good as they say they are then there is nothing to loose. Now if Ali & wolfe can’t agree to this then whom ever camp can’t agree need to finally be a true woman and fess up that they are afraid of a beat down. To make business easier the fight should be 60/40 with 60% of total purse going to the winner.) Joseph P.
I think Ali is afraid of Ann Wolfe. Ali is afraid that Wolfe will knock her out. After seeing what Wolfe did to Ward. I think Ali is afraid that Wolfe would do the same to her. The only thing Ali do better than Wolfe, is talk a good fight. Ali knows deep down inside her heart that she can’t beat Wolfe, that is why Ali been dodging Wolfe. Ali stop talking and get in the ring with Wolfe and show the world you are the best female boxer or shut-up, go home be a good house wife and stop trying to be like your daddy, Because you are nothing like your daddy. The world is waiting to see what you are going to do Ali. Every one is sick of the talk show us what you got. I don’t think you have the guts to get in the ring with Ann Wolfe. Willie P.
You know there comes a time when you really should just want to show people that you can walk the walk when you talk the talk. Sure Ali has a great record but I think that she is doing everything that she can to make it look like she wants to fight Wolfe but then there are 100 excuses by her and her team as to why it is not happening.
If you feel that you are the best then you should have no reason to not make this fight happen. Ok so you know have your next two fights lined up. What about the one after the Tyson card? The talks should already be happening to make Ann your next fight.
I think that I express the general feeling that it is truly falling into the segway of “Great Fights That Never Happened” what a shame that would be for not just women’s boxing but boxing in general.
I don’t mean to sound critical of one and not the other but it seems as though throughout all reports on this site it leans towards one camp that always has an excuse or a “valid” reason as to why this fight has not happened. I wonder why that is?!!
But then again from a fans viewpoint and fellow competitive boxer it easy for me to sit here and have comment s about this when I am not having to deal with either team….just an individual opinion.
May we see this fight happen sooner rather than lat_ _ – never!!! Bonnie
Ali sounds scared of The Wolfe! First off, Ali has the biggest name in female boxing. No doubt about that.
Second, most fans are not sure she deserves the amount of acclaim that goes with the name ALI. Third, if she ain’t ducking Anne Wolfe then ducks don’t quack.
Her dad was a hero of mine…and he knew a money fight from a ego fight but he really worked the ego-money fight like nobody else ever did or will. He knew that to be the best, you fight the best or you might as well NOT lace them up. He needed Joe Frazier to make a million and he worked that fight to a “T” and lost like a true fighter. Low and behold, that loss increased the aura around his name when he re-matched with Frazier. By the third fight Ali could have been elected President of the Planet earth!!!
Laila has talent. No doubt. But she lacks the deep vision her father had. She lacks the ability to build a big opponent INTO a bigger opponent and then harvest the immense fans interest. You want to make a million dollars…fight Anne Wolfe after you sit next to her on Larry King and call her a name or two. But I don’t think you have it in you to do that.
One last thought…the Christy Martin fight was a joke…but it elevated Martin in my eyes and did nothing for my opinion of you. TD
To Laila and Ann: I’m sure you both know that a match between you two would be the BIGGEST draw in the women’s game. So, enough bluster and finger-pointing! Nobody remembers who wins a war of words. Get the money right, set the date, and give the fans what they want! Christy Martin and Lucia Rijker let their opportunity slip away. Now, nobody would care to see them fight. Don’t let that happen to you. You’re both too talented to squander the chance to make the world’s first female mega-fight. As I like to say, “Let your fingers to the walkin’, but let your FISTS do the TALKIN’!” Hope you both decide to make it happen!
B. Jordan
This whole thing with Laila vs. Ann Wolfe shouldn’t be about them but about the sport of women’s boxing. Look at what happen with Martin and Rijker … that would of been one of the biggest and skillful fights in boxing history. I’m sure that those two would of put on an excellent display of boxing that would of elevated women’s boxing to a higher level than it is at the moment. But timing is everything, in the ring and out, every fighter knows that. Meaning that if Martin and Rijker agreed to fight tomorrow it would not have the same effect that it had when things were heated between them. Time has made it luke warm and them older.
Now I’m not going to say who is or isn’t the blame for the fight that never was. All I’m saying is that it should of been about the sport and the torch bearers looking out for those little sisters coming up behind them. The reason why I’m so concerned with these type of unfortunate situations is because I train a team of women boxers on the elite amateur level. I’ve had a very successful team in the last 6 years, developing several National champions. In 2001, I prepared 3 women for the first women’s world boxing tournament … which was 1/4 of the American team. At the moment I have the #1 girl at 114 and the #2 girl at 110 as ranked by USABoxing.
These young ladies work very hard in the amateurs to develop their boxing skills and don’t receive any income for it. The least the ladies on the pro level can do is make sure that women’s boxing grows in a positive direction by doing their part … that is to make good fights become a reality, Regardless of the sacrifice! And I’ll tell you something else and some of you out there might not like what I’m about to say but I’ve seen this female catty thing going on (for as long as I can remember) from women in general, not just in boxing. Women have got to start looking out for one another across the board and stop these cat games, it’s only holding women back. And for all you coaches, trainers and promoters out there that are living vicariously through the women that your backing in boxing … stop it! You had or could of had your day. “Do the right thing” by helping the sport of women’s boxing! If that means doing whatever it takes to make big and impressive fights, then just do it. “Coach” Lee Shabaka
No offense need to be taken by this but enough is ENOUGH. I’m not just talking about this particular bout but bouts in boxing period that we want to see but never get to see or get to see when the fighters are way passed their prime, e.g. Tyson-Holyfield, Holyfield-Lewis, etc.
If you want to fight either, sit down, make it happen, meet in an alley to handle your business or just shut what is called “the f>>> up”. I’m sorry for the language but as a boxing fan, I want to see competitors in the ring. If I want to see lip service being paid to competition, I can watch WWE. I WANT ACTION. I don’t think I’m alone with the rest of the boxing fan base. Please join me in telling our favorite combatants regarding our cherished sport to practice, LESS LIP, MORE FIST!!!
And no, we can’t blame all of this on Don King. Maybe 85 percent but not ALL OF IT. =)
Ladies, it time to stop all the SMACK between the promoters and each other. Like Miles Lane used to say Let’s Get it ON!! It’s not about legacy’s of who’s dad was who. It’s all about you Both and Your mark that you will make for yourselves and Women’s boxing.
Be real Ladies your both gifted athletes it’s TIME to Prove Where you belong in Women’s Boxing History!
The money is great, but the Legacy (It’s Priceless) will last forever with your children and your children’s children etc.. Now May the Best Women Win and God Bless you both!Fan, Stephen B.
This whole back and forth thing has gotten out of hand. Ali’s camp does make a valid point that after Wolfe defeated Ward, RPM stated that they may not give Ali a “shot”. So it seems odd that they are once again accusing Ali of ducking her. Wolfe has priced herself out of this fight in the past and will probably continue to demand way more than the market will bear for the fight. If she really wants to fight she should take whatever the offer is then demand twice as much for the rematch. But, in the business of boxing Ali is the draw not Ann Wolfe. As boxing fans we want to see the fight. But, there are much better fights out there such as Rijker-Anani that are likely to be far more competitive. Bobby D.
Some really good teasing hype from both sides. I only hope Showtime finds the time to add to it. Dale S.
Ali/Wolfe is starting to look am lot like another famous pair of Women Boxers who have it seems been not fighting each other for years now. One of them learned real good from Martin/Rijker. Michael K.
Why not start a fax or email campaign to the promoters or network airing fight demanding an Wolfe/Ali fight?
Pressure on the appropriate people usually works.
Another great ploy is email or fax advertisers that plan on running their ads during the fight. Wolfe deserves consideration from the Ali camp. Jabroni
I think Laila is riding the money train. she is in it for the money. Anne Wolfe is a REAL boxer and hero to many young fighters out there. Laila’s record means nothing to me and she definitely ISN’T her father…not even close. I know of an amateur fighter in Canada that got offered money to fight Ali..Why are you recruiting amateurs Laila? Fight the big dogs and prove you are worthy of the name ALI!! Joanna
After what Ann did to Ward you have to give Ali high grades for self-preservation. Harold D.
Boxing Fans Comments: Laila Ali vs Ann Wolfe – June 2004
(JUNE 27) Now you REALLY didn’t think that WBAN would let these two go at it, without Boxing fans and the boxing community giving THEIR own two cents?!! Check out the Top Hot Comments sent into WBAN in regards to the Laila Ali vs. Ann Wolfe fight and about the “Smack” talk between these two and their teams!
[Note: These comments from boxing fans were taken off directly from archived documentation of the on-going smack talk of the Laila Ali vs. Ann Wolfe fight that never happened as we all know of by now.].
Laila, you just need to go ahead and make it happen. I know you ain’t scared, and you know you are not scared, but by you dodging this fight against Ann, people are thinking that you are all talk, and no go. You are a true Headbussa so you just need to go ahead and knock her out and get her out of the way. I know Ann got a powerful right hand, but htat’s all she’s got. You are way quicker, then her and you can get in bout 20 hits before she can get you with her right hand. All I got to say is let’s make it happen. Ashley R.
Plain and simple Ali is ducking Ann Wolfe. Before Ann moved to her own gym here in Austin she use to train at the gym in my neighborhood (Montopolis Rec) and her trainer “Pops” is good friends with my father. I would see Ann just about everyday and we had many conversations about Ali. She and Pops have told me about the 2 or 3 times Ali has pulled out of the fights with Ann in great detail. The lastest one being when she decided to take the fight in Africa, but never did. And from knowing Ann personally I can tell you it is not even about money at this point. She just wants to prove to the world that she is the best Women’s boxer there is. Trust me Ali don’t want none!! I’ve seen this girl HIT up close and trust me she HITS HARD. Some of the men she spars with have hard times taking her punches. A true testament to her power was shown when paramedics took Vonda Ward out on her back. I want to see this fight happen so bad because Wolfe works so hard for herself and her two daughters. Hopefully, Ali will get off her bicycle and finally fight Ann Wolfe – But I don’t know she might trade the bicycle in for Kawasaki Ninja 1000 so she can really get the Hell out of dodge!! Chris H.
In regards to previous comments regarding Laila Ali and people comparing her to her father, I have this to say. Yes we should not compare the two as they are both very different and yes Laila herself has requested that the comparisons not be made. However, there is no doubt that she has garnered many the opportunity and attention from being the daughter of Muhammad Ali. To say she isn’t reaping the benefits is ludicrous and anyone who doubts that can merely look up the NY TIMES story about “the best father in the world” focusing on Laila and her father. Yes Laila has skill and she has beaten everyone put in front of her but that is not saying much. People give her way too much credit for beating Christy martin, someone laila outweighed by at least 20 pounds, was taller than by an extreme measure and who was far younger than. It’d be a total farce had Laila lost because all the odds were stacked in her favour. Furthermore Laila should really put a stop to all the press releases deeming her the “First Lady of Boxing” as we all know that is a crock. Laila herself should know that the first lady of boxing is not and never will be herself. Moving on to the feud between Laila and Ann Wolfe, I have to say that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Ann. She has fought the best and will continue to fight the best. Laila has been dodging competition like stones thrown at her head. Sure she beat Mahfood, whom knocked out wolfe long ago. But one must remember that Laila fought Mahfood in her 12th or 13th pro fight whereas Ann took on the challenge in her 7th pro fight. Even further, Laila never was close to knocking Valerie off her feet. Sure she scored tko’s not once was Val in danger of landing on her back, a feat accomplished by Ann Wolfe. And Ann has a of course avenged that only pro loss on the undercard of the biggest mismatch in women’s boxing, Ali vs. Martin. Laila needs to learn to keep her mouth closed ’cause karma will come in affect and she’ll be bit in the ass harder than ever. Tim
First of all I wish people would quit comparing this girl to her father. She has said time and time again that SHE IS NOT HER FATHER. SHE IS HER OWN PERSON. Respect her—quit comparing her. Secondly, folks always doggin’ her out but maybe I’m the only that sees that the girl means business. The last fight she said exactly what round the fight was going to end and it DID. She has never bled in any fight that she has been and only one person went the distance with her. She has proven time and time again that when somebody put a fighter before her that is suppose to give her trouble, they end up hurt. She is too strong and too smart for most if not all of these fighters. CNP
As Michael Buffer would say, “LETS GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!” And as I would say, “PUT UP OR SHUT UP!” Lyl Red
Laila All-Lies has fought a 48 year old grandmother, a one time fighter from my city of Milwaukee who fought out of hunger for food, and not boxing. Laila’s team as well as her seem to have forgotten that Karen Bill fight, (ahem) someone her own size?! Laila must have forgotten that Ann initially offered her services for a hamburger.
Laila must have forgotten all of the men who STILL DON’T get pay per view, yet fight their hearts out, Like Gatti Ward, and the recent new found brawling Tactics displayed by P4P best Floyd Mayweather Jr, vs. Chop-Chop Corley.
Laila must have forgotten that Ann went as far as honoring her contractual obligations to her husband’s team, and their failed attempt to see if anyone could beat Ann, thus giving reason to omit the legal obligations altogether provided Ann lossed either of the 2 fights she gave her word to participate in. Ann won both fights, yet Laila All-lies moved to fight in Africa, only to lie to that fighter as well.
Laila has forgotten that WBAN posted an article that depicted harsh words from her to Vonda Ward after a Ward victory, only for that fight to fall through as well.
Thanks Ann for taking the fight vs Ward. Thanks Ann for offering to fight Laila for a hamburger, initially. Thanks Ann for acting as IF YOU WERE THE DAUGHTER OF THE GREATEST. A WOMAN OF HER WORD, CONTRARY TO THAT OF LAILA-ALL-LIES TRAMELL AKA TRUECHIN
I think that Ali is more like a talking boxer than a original boxer, because a real boxer fights and talk less. Now Ann Wolfe is doing the right thing trying to make it all happen. Ali, if you are really a boxer then BOX and stop running away. I guess that you are playing the roadrunner in this case. Ann Wolfe wants a fight with the best so if you are “THE BEST” then prove it when you fight Ann. Pedro J.
I’m an amateur boxer and I LOVE TO FIGHT!!! One thing I don’t understand is…if these women are FIGHTERS… PROFESSIONAL FIGHTERS…Then why on earth are they putting off a great FIGHT??? When it comes to what you love, money should NOT be such a HUGE issue. So do they LOVE THE SPORT? Or are they in it for the money and the publicity? I’m a little confused here. I have a lot of respect for women boxers in general because of how far they’ve brought our sport. But I wish they would just FIGHT…No more mismatches or set up fights…Let the good fighters fight and then the world will see….WE DESERVE TO BE ON TELEVISION…WE DESERVE TO HAVE BOOKS WRITTEN ABOUT US…WE DESERVE ALL THE RIGHTS THAT THE MEN BOXERS HAVE!!! LETS PROVE IT!!! Sarah “The Knock Out”
Although I didn’t get to see or hear any thing except what I read it’s good to know both athletes will continue the career’s either way wish them both well in the futures and to those who think either one is a walk over that’s immature until you face the challenge-BOXEO BORICUA-seven cities boxinggym-virginiabeach,v.a – David C.
I am a big fan of Laila Ali. I think she just needs to go ahead and fight Ann Wolfe and get it over with. I know she can beat her and that she is not scared to fight her she just need to show the rest of the world that she’s not scared. Ashley R.
Now I’m only an amateur boxer, but at least I know that if you want to be the best, you have to fight the best. Ali, I don’t know what’s crawlin up your pants, but you need to get your story straight. Either your going to fight her and make it happen, or your not and the cheap talk stops. Your father talked a whole lot, but at least he backed it up. You seem to have more talent talking, if you want to talk, become a talk show host, other wise, take the darn fight. What have you got to lose, it’s not like you’ve made yourself a big name the way you duck. Until there’s a real reason this fight can’t happen, I’m done listening to this. There are other BETTER fights that can be matched up. No one is going to pay money to see people who talk outside the ring instead of making a statement inside the ring. You think your the best and no one can touch you, well, everyone is waiting, including ANN WOLFE!!! Melissa
Make up your mind Laila…I will lay this out. After the Wolfe Ward fight Laila McClain claimed she would fight the winner that she was the prize now in the latest comment she will fight within a very narrow weight range. She is as consistent as John Kerry. She has shown great ability to dodge competition.
I have seen Ann Wolfe at numerous amateur boxing events shy generous sweet and she has corrected me and shown integrity and moral courage. I refrained from photographing her at this years Golden Gloves because I felt she did not want it she wanted the focus on her team. I would love to see Laila McClain be that. Laila take a hint from Bill Cosby and use proper English when you comment on things. You are an insult to your father’s name. Esteban S.
Here is the solution to both fighter’s problem since the issue always seems to be money with both fighters saying they’re the best then sign the fight with a winner clause stating that the winner get the majority which means whatever the majority is it doesn’t matter because if each fighter is as good as they say they are then there is nothing to loose. Now if Ali & wolfe can’t agree to this then whom ever camp can’t agree need to finally be a true woman and fess up that they are afraid of a beat down. To make business easier the fight should be 60/40 with 60% of total purse going to the winner.) Joseph P.
I think Ali is afraid of Ann Wolfe. Ali is afraid that Wolfe will knock her out. After seeing what Wolfe did to Ward. I think Ali is afraid that Wolfe would do the same to her. The only thing Ali do better than Wolfe, is talk a good fight. Ali knows deep down inside her heart that she can’t beat Wolfe, that is why Ali been dodging Wolfe. Ali stop talking and get in the ring with Wolfe and show the world you are the best female boxer or shut-up, go home be a good house wife and stop trying to be like your daddy, Because you are nothing like your daddy. The world is waiting to see what you are going to do Ali. Every one is sick of the talk show us what you got. I don’t think you have the guts to get in the ring with Ann Wolfe. Willie P.
You know there comes a time when you really should just want to show people that you can walk the walk when you talk the talk. Sure Ali has a great record but I think that she is doing everything that she can to make it look like she wants to fight Wolfe but then there are 100 excuses by her and her team as to why it is not happening.
If you feel that you are the best then you should have no reason to not make this fight happen. Ok so you know have your next two fights lined up. What about the one after the Tyson card? The talks should already be happening to make Ann your next fight.
I think that I express the general feeling that it is truly falling into the segway of “Great Fights That Never Happened” what a shame that would be for not just women’s boxing but boxing in general.
I don’t mean to sound critical of one and not the other but it seems as though throughout all reports on this site it leans towards one camp that always has an excuse or a “valid” reason as to why this fight has not happened. I wonder why that is?!!
But then again from a fans viewpoint and fellow competitive boxer it easy for me to sit here and have comment s about this when I am not having to deal with either team….just an individual opinion.
May we see this fight happen sooner rather than lat_ _ – never!!! Bonnie
Ali sounds scared of The Wolfe! First off, Ali has the biggest name in female boxing. No doubt about that.
Second, most fans are not sure she deserves the amount of acclaim that goes with the name ALI. Third, if she ain’t ducking Anne Wolfe then ducks don’t quack.
Her dad was a hero of mine…and he knew a money fight from a ego fight but he really worked the ego-money fight like nobody else ever did or will. He knew that to be the best, you fight the best or you might as well NOT lace them up. He needed Joe Frazier to make a million and he worked that fight to a “T” and lost like a true fighter. Low and behold, that loss increased the aura around his name when he re-matched with Frazier. By the third fight Ali could have been elected President of the Planet earth!!!
Laila has talent. No doubt. But she lacks the deep vision her father had. She lacks the ability to build a big opponent INTO a bigger opponent and then harvest the immense fans interest. You want to make a million dollars…fight Anne Wolfe after you sit next to her on Larry King and call her a name or two. But I don’t think you have it in you to do that.
One last thought…the Christy Martin fight was a joke…but it elevated Martin in my eyes and did nothing for my opinion of you. TD
To Laila and Ann: I’m sure you both know that a match between you two would be the BIGGEST draw in the women’s game. So, enough bluster and finger-pointing! Nobody remembers who wins a war of words. Get the money right, set the date, and give the fans what they want! Christy Martin and Lucia Rijker let their opportunity slip away. Now, nobody would care to see them fight. Don’t let that happen to you. You’re both too talented to squander the chance to make the world’s first female mega-fight. As I like to say, “Let your fingers to the walkin’, but let your FISTS do the TALKIN’!” Hope you both decide to make it happen!
B. Jordan
This whole thing with Laila vs. Ann Wolfe shouldn’t be about them but about the sport of women’s boxing. Look at what happen with Martin and Rijker … that would of been one of the biggest and skillful fights in boxing history. I’m sure that those two would of put on an excellent display of boxing that would of elevated women’s boxing to a higher level than it is at the moment. But timing is everything, in the ring and out, every fighter knows that. Meaning that if Martin and Rijker agreed to fight tomorrow it would not have the same effect that it had when things were heated between them. Time has made it luke warm and them older.
Now I’m not going to say who is or isn’t the blame for the fight that never was. All I’m saying is that it should of been about the sport and the torch bearers looking out for those little sisters coming up behind them. The reason why I’m so concerned with these type of unfortunate situations is because I train a team of women boxers on the elite amateur level. I’ve had a very successful team in the last 6 years, developing several National champions. In 2001, I prepared 3 women for the first women’s world boxing tournament … which was 1/4 of the American team. At the moment I have the #1 girl at 114 and the #2 girl at 110 as ranked by USABoxing.
These young ladies work very hard in the amateurs to develop their boxing skills and don’t receive any income for it. The least the ladies on the pro level can do is make sure that women’s boxing grows in a positive direction by doing their part … that is to make good fights become a reality, Regardless of the sacrifice! And I’ll tell you something else and some of you out there might not like what I’m about to say but I’ve seen this female catty thing going on (for as long as I can remember) from women in general, not just in boxing. Women have got to start looking out for one another across the board and stop these cat games, it’s only holding women back. And for all you coaches, trainers and promoters out there that are living vicariously through the women that your backing in boxing … stop it! You had or could of had your day. “Do the right thing” by helping the sport of women’s boxing! If that means doing whatever it takes to make big and impressive fights, then just do it. “Coach” Lee Shabaka
No offense need to be taken by this but enough is ENOUGH. I’m not just talking about this particular bout but bouts in boxing period that we want to see but never get to see or get to see when the fighters are way passed their prime, e.g. Tyson-Holyfield, Holyfield-Lewis, etc.
If you want to fight either, sit down, make it happen, meet in an alley to handle your business or just shut what is called “the f>>> up”. I’m sorry for the language but as a boxing fan, I want to see competitors in the ring. If I want to see lip service being paid to competition, I can watch WWE. I WANT ACTION. I don’t think I’m alone with the rest of the boxing fan base. Please join me in telling our favorite combatants regarding our cherished sport to practice, LESS LIP, MORE FIST!!!
And no, we can’t blame all of this on Don King. Maybe 85 percent but not ALL OF IT. =)
Ladies, it time to stop all the SMACK between the promoters and each other. Like Miles Lane used to say Let’s Get it ON!! It’s not about legacy’s of who’s dad was who. It’s all about you Both and Your mark that you will make for yourselves and Women’s boxing.
Be real Ladies your both gifted athletes it’s TIME to Prove Where you belong in Women’s Boxing History!
The money is great, but the Legacy (It’s Priceless) will last forever with your children and your children’s children etc.. Now May the Best Women Win and God Bless you both!Fan, Stephen B.
This whole back and forth thing has gotten out of hand. Ali’s camp does make a valid point that after Wolfe defeated Ward, RPM stated that they may not give Ali a “shot”. So it seems odd that they are once again accusing Ali of ducking her. Wolfe has priced herself out of this fight in the past and will probably continue to demand way more than the market will bear for the fight. If she really wants to fight she should take whatever the offer is then demand twice as much for the rematch. But, in the business of boxing Ali is the draw not Ann Wolfe. As boxing fans we want to see the fight. But, there are much better fights out there such as Rijker-Anani that are likely to be far more competitive. Bobby D.
Some really good teasing hype from both sides. I only hope Showtime finds the time to add to it. Dale S.
Ali/Wolfe is starting to look am lot like another famous pair of Women Boxers who have it seems been not fighting each other for years now. One of them learned real good from Martin/Rijker. Michael K.
Why not start a fax or email campaign to the promoters or network airing fight demanding an Wolfe/Ali fight?
Pressure on the appropriate people usually works.
Another great ploy is email or fax advertisers that plan on running their ads during the fight. Wolfe deserves consideration from the Ali camp. Jabroni
I think Laila is riding the money train. she is in it for the money. Anne Wolfe is a REAL boxer and hero to many young fighters out there. Laila’s record means nothing to me and she definitely ISN’T her father…not even close. I know of an amateur fighter in Canada that got offered money to fight Ali..Why are you recruiting amateurs Laila? Fight the big dogs and prove you are worthy of the name ALI!! Joanna
After what Ann did to Ward you have to give Ali high grades for self-preservation. Harold D.
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About The Author
Sue Fox