Category: Sue TL Fox

Tomato Cans are for recycling…not boxing! By Sue TL Fox

(Sept 26, 2002) That is right folks…Tomato Cans are NOT for boxing…and yet the sport continues to furnish a fresh supply of tomato cans for World Champions, Top World contenders, and boxers who have a lot more experience than their defenseless opponents. And who does it hurt?—- EVERYONE! Every time a top woman boxer goes

One on One Interview with Yolanda Gonzalez – by Sue TL Fox

This week I conducted a one on one Interview with Yolanda Gonzalez.  Yolanda is a lawyer by day and boxer by night.  Yolanda’s boxing background included participating as an amateur, and was the New Jersey 1999 Golden Gloves Champion, and the Diamond Gloves Champion of 2000. In addition, she received the honor of “The Fighter of the Night” in her

Sue Fox Featured in the 2002 Brown Prizefighters Collection

In the year 2002,  Fox was honored  by being featured in the 2002 Brown Prizefighters Collection male and female boxers that included Alex “The Bronx Bomber” Ramos, Oquendo, Paz, Brian Viloria, Ricky Hatton, Jermain Taylor, Christy Martin, Sumya Anani, and many more.      

Fight Report: Laura Serrano vs. Snodene Blakeney

Laura Serrano Fights Snodene Blakeney a Last minute Opponent SAN ANTONIO (SEPT 23, 2001) Laura Serrano won a four-round unanimous decision in a toe-to-toe BATTLE against warrior Snodene Blakeney that stepped up to the plate to fight Serrano with one days notice.. This was not an easy fight to be made.  Serrano was scheduled to

Nelson Decisions Drexel In Four – by Bill Harris

Andrea Nelson of Dodgeville, Wisc., pounded out a unanimous decision over a fired up Brenda Bell Drexel of San Marcos, Tex., Saturday, Aug. 5, in their four-round lightweight bout, a preliminary to a KO Nation boxing program aired over HBO from Madison, Wisc. The women’s bout and the other three men’s matches were not broadcast