Category: Sue TL Fox

Dallas Malloy: She wouldn’t Take No for an Answer – By Sue TL Fox

  In March of 1993, Dallas Malloy became the first female to challenge the USA Boxing’s bylaw in a federal court. Her dream was to box against other women in the Olympic Games, a goal attainable only as a member of USA Boxing. For months she trained without any immediate hope of competing. Malloy’s lawsuit against

Mixed Match in Seattle: McGregor vs. Chow – 1999

   Story by Sue TL Fox – September 4, 1999. Copyrighted. All rights Reserved. At the beginning of September of 1999, we discovered from a Bremerton Newspaper in the State of Washington, that there was going to be a “History’s First” with the first sanctioned bout between a man and a woman.  The woman, 36-year

One on One Interview: Lady Tyger Trimiar

One on One Exclusive Interview with Lady Tyger Trimiar – by Sue TL Fox – February 23, 1999   T.L.Fox: What has been happening lately in your life? Lady: I just got featured in an article with VIVE Magazine, February issue. Actually, the article is about a current amateur fighter by the name of Alciver,

Historic Article: Pioneer Boxer – Bonnie Prestwood from the 1970s and 1980s

On February 11, 1999, WBAN was able to contact Bonnie Prestwood, another past World-class Bantamweight/Flyweight boxers in the World from 1978 – 1986.  Prestwood still resides in Indiana.  She told me that she boxed for about ten years.  She said that she had so many unofficial fights in small towns in many make-shift situations that

Welcome To WBAN™! By Sue TL Fox

During my early days in boxing, you could find the usual assortment of items at the gym: worn out heavy bags, one used and slightly droopy boxing ring, drippy showers, squeaky lockers and the gravely voice of an overly-excited trainer. And, yet, at the same time, I never felt more like I belonged. I loved