Category: Sue TL Fox

IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2022 Opens in Istanbul

The IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2022 were opened in Istanbul today by IBA President Umar Kremlev, marking the start of two weeks of ground-breaking competition. A record 310 athletes are entered, representing 73 National Federations, who will be boxing in an expanded 12 weight categories. “Women boxers have demonstrated by their skill, by their strength and

Press Release: IBA announces candidates for Board of Directors

(April 25, 2022) Following comprehensive eligibility checks and skills assessment, the International Boxing Association (IBA) has published the list of candidates for the upcoming election to positions on the IBA Board of Directors, including that of President.  The elections will take place at an Extraordinary Congress on 13–14 May, during the IBA Women’s World Championships

Federal Lawsuit Filed this week on BoxRec, the ABC Commission, and more…

(APR 12) For the past year, WBAN has been reporting to the boxing community the questionable things going on with the “Official Boxing Records site”, and the ABC Commission, in their practices of not reporting professional bouts for men and women. Even when they were provided videos, photos, proper documentation, and more. We published several

IBA reveals details of the Olympic Qualification System for Paris 2024

The Olympic Qualification System (OQS) for the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, newly developed and recently approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), defines the categories for Paris 2024. There will be 124 places for seven events on the men’s side and 124 places for six women’s events. IBA has combined most of