Championship fight – Hattie Leslie vs Alice Leary – 1888

In 1888, the news reported that there was a female championsip fight in the making:  In the Gazette, dated July 28, 1888, page 10, they reported the following. ” “Hattie Leslie, a young married variety performer, who is a skilled wrestler, has issued a challenge to engage in a match with fists, under prize ring rules, and it was accepted by Peter Bagley, of Bradford, Pa., on behalf of Alice Leary, who is a professional club swinger and athlete.”

This fight was reported to be the first advertised boxing bout between female boxers.   Leary’s promoter reported her as being 24, fighting for five years, with a 52-0 record (47KO).  Leslie was reported to have had a record of 34 fightw with 29 KOw, and three years of experience.

The “championship” fight that paid a purse of $250 to the winner, took place on Sept. 16 on Navy Island, near Buffalo. According to the Gazette, the women, wore flannel-lined kid gloves cut off at the fingertips, fought seven rounds in front of more than a thousand spectators.   Below is an article from the Scranton Republic, dated September 17, 1888 that gives details of that fight.

