Flash From the Past: In 1974 Women Boxers in the Olympics were merely a Topic of discussion by Sue TL Fox

In 2012, the dream for amateur female boxers finally came to actuality when 36 elite female amateur boxers were included in the Summer Olympics in London. WBAN celebrated this huge breakthrough for the sport and featured the daily events that took place as they happened.  [WBAN’s Olympic 2012 website wban2012.com].

At that time we first reported the past struggles of women being included in the Olympics when we published historical data where this topic came up in 1974. 

There was a 1974 boxing survey that was featured in the Boxing Illustrated magazine, titled “Olympics for Women Boxers.”

They wrote the following, ” It is becoming more and more apparent there is a growing participation interest in women’’ boxing-—to only in the United States but also in England, Europe and the Far east. With the 1976 Olympics scheduled for Montreal less than two years away, we have been getting numerous queries on the possibility of girl athletes putting on the gloves for gold, silver, and bronze medals. Though time is against such an innovation for the forthcoming Olympiad, it is conceivable Lord Killanin and his International Olympics Committee would review the feasibility of admitting girl boxers for the 1980 edition. Now don’t start writing heated letters accusing BOXING ILLUSTRATED of championing an Olympic shot for girl battlers.” Link on our 2012 Olympic website

WBAN just recently uncovered another historical mention of being included in the Olympics in an 1976 issue of the “Hits and Misses” Newsletter.

They wrote the following: “[1976] With a society changing as it is, women’s boxing is becoming more accepted than it was 20 years ago, and one wouldn’t be at all surprised if by 1983 women boxers and their wrestling sisters are competing in the Olympic games.”

Little did we know that women’s boxing would not actually be included until 2012.

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Historical Tidbits on the sport:

****Boxing was introduced at the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis. Women’s boxing was a displayed event /demonstration at the third Olympic games.

****WBAN’s affiliated sites that are historical on the sport.