In the Fighters Own Words: Yvonne Caples Talks about Fight with Zimmarron


(NOV 24, 2002) At Guam University Field House, in Agana, Guam, on November 22, Yvonne Caples fought Anissa Zamarron in a scheduled 10-round WIBA Light-Flyweight title bout, that ended in a TKO5, when Caples received a cut.  Caples expressed how she felt about the fight getting stopped.  Caples said that it was she was truly perturbed and heartbroken about what happened in the fight in Guam.  Caples said that the cut was caused by a head butt that occurred in the fourth round. She said that after the fourth round, her corner worked on the cut, and that she went back into the fifth round with a sense of urgency, and really attacked Anissa.  Caples said that she was worried that they would stop the fight, and she wanted to make sure that she had a very clear lead.

Caples went on to say that at the end of the fifth round, the referee called in the doctor to look at the cut, and that the doctor has asked her if she wanted to continue, in which she emphatically said, “yes.”

Caples said that the doctor looked at the cut again, and commented that it was really bad–at which point Caples said to the referee, that the cut was caused by a head butt.

Caples said  that the referee responded by stating that he did not see a head butt, and that then the doctor said, that he was not going to let the fight continue.

“But since the ref did not see the head butt, it was considered, a TKO and the decision was given to Anissa, when it should have gone to the score cards where two judges had me winning every round and the third judge had me winning all but one”, said Caples.

Caples said that it was a pretty severe cut, in that it required eight stitches after the fight. But she emphasized, “But it was in no way impairing my ability to fight, in fact after I got cut, I think I fought even better.”

Caples said that after Anissa was awarded the belt, she came up to her and apologized for what had happened saying to Caples, that Caples had won the fight and that she knew the cut was caused by a head butt and offered me a rematch.