Laila Ali Responds to Toughill, Robinson, and Wolfe! 2004

By Laila “She Bee-Stingin” Ali – May 9, 2004

Erin Toughill:  

I am surprised you never came to visit me at my gym when you were training in Las Vegas since you have so much mouth when it comes to me. The bottom line is that you are a punk with nothing but a lot of mouth. I have read your past interviews where you have said that I am nothing special and that you could beat

me. Then your stupid butt went on to say that you just needed a few more fights first.

You sound like a fool every time you open your mouth about me. How many times do you think I have heard the line,  “you think you are your daddy” from girls who thought they could whup me in and out of the ring? You have to come better then that “honey”!

I’ll tell you what I think. I think I am the most dominate and undefeated champ at 168. I think I make my opponents look like they don’t even belong in the same ring as me no matter how much experience or confidence they had when they stepped in the ring. The fact is, I don’t lose. I don’t get draws. I have not lost one round since I had my shoulder surgery in 2001. I am the best at 168. There are a few more people that I am planning on taking care of, but I don’t need to in order to prove that. Our records and past fights have already proven that. I will take care of those girls just because I love the game.

The funniest thing about you is that you only have a handful of fights and couldn’t even stay undefeated. But you honestly believe that you have what it takes to hurt or out box me? Do you even have any KO’s? You are the only person who thinks you can beat me! By the way, tell your mamma to e-mail me her address so I can send her the fan club package she ordered off my site. Back to what I was saying, You need to follow your original plan. Stay busy fighting instead of selling trashy photos of yourself to try to gain recognition and fans. I will fight you for two reasons. 1. You are ignorant, tacky and have opened your mouth too many times, therefore, you fit the criteria for a beatdown.

2. You actually believe you can beat me. That is why I’ll get fulfillment out of whuppin’ your ass.

Now, lets get real here. In reality, you are worthless to my career. You are an unknown with a sorry record and you don’t even have any punching power. But you are a tall, strong “looking” girl. So the next time I fight off TV and my opponents record really doesn’t matter much, I’ll make sure the fight is offered to you. No need to respond because I don’t have anymore time to waste on you.

Leatitia Robinson: 

Leatitia, Leatitia, Leatitia. Why must you attempt to go there with me? It seems like your team would know enough about boxing to know that ESPN only provides $60,000 to promoters to put on an entire fight card. The $10,000 that you were offered to fight me was not an “insignificant sum of money.”

Besides, that was just the initial offer. Then they turn around and say they need $500,000 in order to accept the fight. Come on now. How ridiculous and unrealistic is that! That sounds to me like $10,000 was not enough to get your butt knocked out. You have the nerve to think I never intended to fight you as if there is some obvious reason I wouldn’t want to face you. You are no threat to me. But you say you can beat me. What, you think your footwork is good enough to stay away from me? You think you have enough power to keep me off you? You think you have the power to hurt me? You think you are fast enough to drop combinations on me and then get out the way? Or did someone simply make you believe that lie.

Do you remember the interviews you did after you fought Nikki Eplion. I do. You said you wanted to fight Shirvelle Williams and Valerie Mahfood. Two girls that I have already stopped a total of three times. But you told me that I am fighting your “leftovers” because I am scheduled to fight 14-1 Nikki Epillon. Do you honestly believe that you come into my mind when I am planning my next move? Come on girl, you have to have more sense than that. If you are going to start making public statements directed to me, you need to stop contradicting yourself.

Lets cut to the chase. You say you want to fight me. Well, lets make it happen. But you need to make sure your camp is prepared to negotiate with knowledge of the game. You don’t have to take my word about a fair purse, ask some matchmakers or promoters.

Once your purse is worked out, I will match it with a check out of my personal bank account if you win. We will put all the belts on the line. It is a win/win situation for you. So lets do this!

Ann Wolfe: 

I am responding to the statements she made to me after her fight. You already know that we will face each other. I am the real prize for winning that fight and you know it. I am glad you won because Vonda was such a joke and I have been wanting to break you off for a long time.

I will gladly give you what you want. I just want to know one thing out of curiosity. You don’t think I am the best and you said you are “near the best.” So who is the best in your eyes? If it ain’t me, why do you feel like you need to beat me in order to become the best? If that is too complicated of a question, have your handlers answer it for you as usual! I think the fans would like you to clarify that for them.