Nicola Adams, Katie Taylor & Nadezhada Torlopova head latest AIBA women’s world rankings

(NOV 5) (written by Michael O’Neill)   No real surprises in the latest (October) official rankings list issued by the AIBA this weekend. AIBA ranking is based on a rolling two year period hence for example in the 75kg classification Olympic Gold Medallist Claressa Shields from the United States slots in at number 3 behind Nadezhada Torlopova of Russia and Savannah Marshall, the 2012 World Champion from Hartlepools in Great
Britain. In the period under review, Torlopova has amassed 2400 points, Marshall 2150, Shields 2100 and China’s Jinzi Li 2050. Canada’s Mary Spencer who had a disappointing year has dropped to seventh.

Ireland’s Katie Taylor enters her seventh successive year at the head of the 60kg light welter class having won all of the major titles included in the rankings list. Her 3300 points puts her well ahead of all challengers whilst Russia’s Sofya Ochigava remains in the number 2 spot on 2300 and no change either at no 3 where Mavzuna Chorieva of Tajikistan has 2100 – ahead of the Brazilian, Adriana Dos Santos Araujo with GB’s Natasha Jonas now 5th having ‘swapped places’ with China’s Cheng Dong. Queen Underwood of the United States another who had a disappointing 012 has dropped from 10th to 38th.

In the flyweight division (51kg), Olympic gold medallist Nicola Adams from Great Britain takes the no 1 spot ahead of world champion Cancan Ren (China). Adams has 2900 pts, Ren 2700 with Marlen Esparza of the United States moving from 5th to 3rd ahead of India’s London 2012 bronze medallist Mery Kom.

Let us not forget that though the Olympic Games featured but three weights in 2012 – hopefully we can expect at least twice that many in Rio 2016 – the rankings list also includes all the other weights too with some great boxers vying for the top positions. Tiara Brown and Mikaela Mayer, from the U.S top the lists at 57kg and 64kg respectively whilst U.S team mate, Franchon Crews is no 2 at 81kg.

For Katie Taylor this is the week also sees the Premiere (in London on Tuesday ) of the official 2012 Olympic Games film “FIRST” . The film, according to insiders ‘’takes viewers on a gripping journey starting in each of 12 athletes’ home countries as they stand on the brink of adulthood and prepare to take their place as superheroes at the London 2012 Olympic games. Capturing and reflecting their personal experiences, unearthing their great sacrifices and detailing their adventures; FIRST brings to screen the dreams of these incredible athletes.

Granted unprecedented behind the scenes access, director Caroline Rowland highlights the stories and challenges faced by David Rushida -Kenya’s gold medal winner in the men’s 800m who broke his own record in what was described as the greatest 800m race of all time, the incredible track cyclist Laura Trott -a double gold medallist who is now one of Britain’s most famous cyclists , boxer Katie Taylor – Ireland’s only gold medallist at London 2012 who won the Women’s Lightweight boxing and US swimmer Missy Franklin – who won an incredible four gold medals at the age of 17”. Not all of the stars though struck gold – some like Queen Underwood fell by the wayside early on. This is
a unique look back at the games because it also features several who did not win a medal and saw their dreams shattered.

Also this week, on 8th November to be exact, sees the launch of Taylor’s memoir, “Katie Taylor – My Olympic Dream’ published by Simon & Schuster and there then follows a nationwide “book signing” tour which has become so popular that tickets for some sessions have to be obtained in advance .On Friday 9th Nov she is expected to collect one or more awards at the IABA Annual Awards Dinner in Dublin . In December she travels to Yerevan in Armenia to collect her third successive AIBA Female Boxer of the Year award.

In between though she is back in training and it is hoped that a suitable bout can be set up for her to return to ring action ‘between Christmas and the New Year’, probably in Dublin.

You will find the complete rankings here but for the latest list please refer to the heading “Weight Categories” on far right of the AIBA document. You can then find all of the boxers ranked, weight by weight and with their points tally.