Stephanie Dobbs Makes It in the Guinness Book of World Records!

WBAN was notified that Stephanie Dobbs, has been accepted in the Guinness Book of World Records for the “Most professional boxing bouts [female].”

Dobbs received a beautiful certificate to commemorate her achievement. Ralph Hannah, of the Records Management Team, with the Guinness World Records said in a letter to Dobbs, “We are pleased to confirm that you have set the new Guinness World Record for ‘Most professional boxing bouts (female)’ and a certificate to commemorate has been sent to you by post today. Details of your achievement have been entered into our records as follows: The most professional boxing bouts fought is 58 and was achieved by Stephanie M. Dobbs (United States), from 2 March 2002 to 8 May 2008.”

Dobbs told WBAN, “”I am so excited to have broken an actual world record. I have had to take a lot of time off this past year due to back problems, but I plan on hitting the trail hard again later this year. I want to retire as the first female to fight in 100 fights. I am only 27 and as soon as I can get healthy plan to work even harder to reach my true goal of winning a world title.”