Tag: Boxing Licenses

Jackie Tonawanda Spars With Muhammad Ali – 1976

Jackie Tonawanda Spars With Muhammad Ali – September 26, 1976 Jackie Tonawanda got the opportunity to work out in the gym and spar with MUHAMMAD ALI at his training camp at the Concord Hotel Kiamesha Lake, N.Y.  TONAWANDA’S remarks about ALI:  “Ali’s hands were faster than ever, I’m glad they weren’t touching me.  His combinations

Lamar Request Boxing License From California in 1931

    Lamar request boxing license from California, and is denied The San Antonio Light, Monday 9-A, April 27, 1931 Professional boxing in California will continue to be done exclusively by men, the commission decided today from Hollywood came a telegram from  Miss Jeanne Lamar, asking for a boxers license.   Dr. Harry Martin, presiding at

So you Think that Svendsen in 1975 got First Boxing License in the USA?

    So do you think that Caroline Svendsen was the first female in the United States to obtain a boxing license as reported worldwide in 1975….Try again with setting this little part of history straight for female boxers getting boxing licenses! According to the Charleston Daily Mail, in the Saturday Evening edition, dated September