We have updated Women Boxing Archive Network (WBAN) with announcing that we have now been on the Internet 24 plus years, going live in May of 1998. Before talking about the roots of WBAN, I first want to thank everyone from photographers, writers, boxers, managers, promoters, matchmakers and more for helping me to accomplish having
In the Minneapolis Tribune, dated Friday, April 7, 1978, the following was reported: “In another first for women in boxing, Joan Marcolt, 24, St. Paul, will meet Debbie Kaufman, 24, Minneapolis, Saturday in the bantamweight division of the state AAU boxing tournament at Fred Moore Junior High School in Anoka. It will be the
About Kugler – a report by Sue Fox in 2002: “Matchmaker Johnnie Nate stands outside the Armory last Thursday night and tries to figure out why he was denied the rental of the building. Nate had scheduled a nine-bout amateur fight card for the building, but authorities in Indianapolis later cancelled him out. Nate believes it is
Full Copyrights: Women’s Titlists, Circa 1949 The Press-Courier – April 12, 1972, page 8 In an article published on April 12, 1972, a woman with 10 children talks about her past boxing experience and claim that she was a former boxing champion from a November 1949 fight. Her name was Mrs. Lancaster, of Lancaster, Tennessee.
Copyrights: British Pathe British Pathe describes the short video about female boxer from the past Barbara Buttrick that she is typing, hitting a punch ball, and that Micky Woods makes her stand on a side and hit the punch ball. It is described as follows: “Barrbara then copies him. SV. Feet skipping. SV. Barbara
Monday, September 4, 1933 – page 5 – El Paso Herald-Post – writer/Henry Milemore FRANCE TO HOLD WOMEN’S BOXING MEET NEW YORK – Sept 4 – Putting the sports shot here and there—In France the women pugilists take themselves seriously and the FIRST INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s BOXING UNION is in the process of formation…..The present star
November 19, 1932, Saturday Morning edition, The Titusville (PA) Herald. Page eight The reported the following, and another demonstration as to the thoughts of women fighting in the past. “Women’s Boxing Card was held in New York the other night……It was staged in connection with a marathon dance….SUCH IS LIFE in the Big City…..
Female boxer Polly Burns, who fought in the 1920’s as a featherweight, pulled few punches when talking about the featherweight division with the men. In the 1929 Police Gazzette she referred to those boxers as a Lotta Palookas. In the article she talks about how she learned the fine art of boxing from her late