Tag: Phyllis Kugler

Barnstorming Through Council Bluffs: JoAnn Hagen Takes On Pat Emerick and Wrestler Bev Lehmer Over Thanksgiving Week 1949

Article by Christopher Benedict The Bendix plant that opened in South Bend, Indiana in 1923 quickly established itself as the world’s largest manufacturer of automobile brakes. The factory soon began to incorporate the engineering and production of power steering systems, in addition to aircraft landing gear and controls for reciprocating gas turbine, rocket, and nuclear

Barbara Buttrick and Phyllis Kugler Fight in First Sanctioned Women’s Championship Match Deep in the Heart of Texas

Written by Christopher Benedict “Wow—Lookie Here For The First Time In Texas” screamed the bold-type print on the fight poster. Above small black and white photos depicting Barbara Buttrick and Phyllis Kugler (whose first name is misspelled as Phyliss), the ballyhoo advertising the October 8, 1957 boxing card at San Antonio’s Municipal Auditorium promised that “These