USA Women’s National Boxing Championships – By Bonnie Canino

NORTH CAROLINA (SEPT 25, 2001) Late results on the USA Women’s National Boxing Championships that took place at the Marine Base Camp Lejune, in North Carolina, September 19 – 22, 2001…One Hundred and sixty five competitors had pre-registered for the USA Women’s National Boxing Championships, but only fifty-one women showed for the event.  This was the first time since the Nationals been going on that there has been such a small turn out.  We think it was due to the recent attack on America in New York and Washington D.C.

The women who showed up were very determined to make this amateur boxing event.  The event was especially important to the USA Boxing organization, because this was the first year that winners from the Women’s National will qualified to attend the first Continental Games in October and the World games in November, which should have around thirty-eight countries entering their women boxers.  These games will be taking place in Scranton, PA.  These tournament will open the doors for women boxers to compete in the 2008 Olympics.

The National’s at Camp Lejune had thirty-nine scheduled bouts.  California and New York had the most women attending the event.  The accommodations in Camp Lejune during the week of the boxing event were very nice.  All boxers and coaches were given access to all their recreational facilities and stores.  Every women boxed with pride and respect to each other.  All bouts were as follows:

106 weight division

Linda Carillo from El monte, CA.

Vs.       Carina Moreno from Watsonville, CA.

Winner – Carina Moreno

112 weight division

Becky Garcia from Mesa, AZ.

Eileen Kuwaye from New York, NY.

Winner – Eileen Kuwaye

119 weight division

Julia Day from Lexington, KY.

Deborah Stein form New York, NY.

Winner – Deborah Stein

125 weight division

Jennifer Han from El Paso, TX.

Anju Reejhsinghani from Seattle, WA.

Winner – Jennifer Han

132 weight division

Lisa Hedge from Buffalo, NY.

Amber Gideon from Warrenville, IL.

Winner – Amber Gideon

139 weight division

Joy Liu from Brookline, MA.

Kanicia Eley from Norfolk, VA.

Winner – Joy Liu

147 weight division

Jill Emery from New York, NY.

Natalie Brown from Lithonia, CA.

Winner – Jill Emery

156 weight division

Angel Bovee from Schenectady, NY.

Yvonne Reis from Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Winner – Angel Bovee

165 weight division

Kara Lucas from Hollywood, FL.

Robyn Labuda from Alpharetta, GA.

Winner – Kara Lucas

178 weight division

Crystal Pinager from Columbus, OH.

Faye Jacob Hollins from Winnobow, CT.

Winner – Faye Jacob Hollins

201 weight division

Meghan Miller from Albuquerque, NM.

Devonne Canady from West Haven, CT.

Winner – Meghan Miller

201 + weight division

Giana Jackson from Columbus, OH.

Carmen Bailly from Patterson, NJ.

Winners – Giana Jackson